Rajesh Deshmukh


Error message

  • Warning: file_put_contents(): Filename cannot be empty in file_unmanaged_save_data() (line 1983 of /var/www/imepl.com/includes/file.inc).
  • The file could not be created.

Rajesh Deshmukh

Job Title: 

A Civil Engineer by qualification, Rajesh brings to the table a vast experience from the NGO sector. He is instrumental in managing the execution of projects of our content Factory. A wonderful orator and communicator, Rajesh is valuable in formulating strategies and executing them efficiently.

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Indian Magic Eye is a multi-faceted design & media company in India. We primarily function as a digital agency, event management company, audio-visual production house and content & television producers.

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Get in touch

  • Indian Magic Eye Pvt. Ltd.
    768/1, Prabhi Apts, 2nd Floor,
    PYC, Deccan Gymkhana,Pune, Maharashtra
  • +91-20-25660584,
  • imepl (at) imepl (dot) com